Saturday, March 23, 2013

Giant Cliffhanger!


I just finished Speaking From Among the Bones by Alan Bradley, which is part of the Flavia de Luce series. This is the newest book in the series that is currently being written about a 12 year old girl who solves the murder mysteries in her town and just so happens to be a chemist. In the end of the book, the killer of the organist, Mr. Collicut, is revealed to be Ms. Tanty one of the choir singers at the same church.
Once again, the killer surprised me and I did not expect Ms. Tanty to be the killer. Even though I did not expect Ms. Tanty to be the killer, it made sense she was the murderer and every thing clicked. Throughout the book, there had been the threat of the de Luce's (Flavia's family) house, Buckshaw, being sold because of financial problems. In the book, the de Luce's are forced to put a "FOR SALE" sign so the threat was even more present than in the other books. At the end of the book, Flavia's father calls the three sisters into the room to talk to them seriously. I thought (as did Flavia) that her father was going to tell them that they would have to sell the house. Instead, he tells them that their mother has been found. Their mother was supposedly dead on an expedition (because she was never found) when Flavia was a little kid. Then the book ends. I freaked out! Not only is that the biggest cliffhanger, but I have to wait a very long time until the next book comes out. This is definitely a giant twist for the series and I can't wait for the next book to come out so I can continue reading! But for now, I guess I will have to wait!


  1. Great post! This book sounds interesting except for the end with he cliffhanger. I despise cliffhangers! Other than that the book sounds fantastic. I never heard of this series so I guess I found something else to read. Really good post Clara! :)

  2. I love your post! I can feel the frustration ;). I HATE cliffhangers when the next book in a series hasn't come out yet. I've never heard of this series, but I will definitely look for it in the future.

  3. Wow, that sounds like an awful cliffhanger. The book seems interesting though. Great post!
