Sunday, March 3, 2013


By Clara Napolitano 805

Snowflakes fall from the sky a dazzling white 
Melting as they touch grass and city streets
Everything seems to be brighter than light 
Covering a city as it silently sleeps 

It seems that all around the world it snows
It seems that the snowflakes will never stop
Though you will see that things will grow 
In places where the sun shines bright atop 

And where it snows light will again awake
And where things grow the dark will take suns place
And snow will melt from the dirt humans make 
Beauty taken away to another place 

Seasons will change and things will grow
But things will die and that we always know 


  1. This was such a good sonnet. You are really talented at poetry. I love how you took a simple subject, like snow, and really expanded on it and gave it a deeper meaning. Great job!

  2. Clara this is so good! You were so descriptive in this sonnet. Like Abby said, it was really cool how you took such a simple thing, like snow, and turned it into something deep and meaningful. I really enjoyed reading this!

  3. The imagery in this sonnet was amazing. I agree with both Victoria and Abby. You really looked in depth into a thing we take for granted every day and expanded on it. You worked into what we feel when we see snow and the feel of snow itself. IT WAS COOL.
