Tuesday, May 21, 2013

End of the Puzzle


I just finished Why We Broke Up by Maira Kalman and Daniel Handler. In the end, you finally discover (sort of) why Ed and Min broke up. At the end, Min finds out that Ed cheated on her with a girl that Min thought was really nice. Min felt really betrayed by Ed and the girl he cheated on her with, because Min thought they could be friends.
I was really shocked by the ending of this book. Just like Min, I was really mad at Ed when I read that Ed had cheated. I really hate cheating in relationships, so I felt really strongly. I knew this book was really good from the beginning, but when I felt betrayed by Ed as much as Min did, I realized how much I connected with the book. Throughout the book, in the letter, Min had kept saying "and that is why we broke up" which makes me think that all these things that happened during the relationship would have ended their relationship anyway. All in all, I really enjoyed this book, and highly recommend it if you like girly books.

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