Monday, January 28, 2013

...Another Middle...

I am halfway through I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith and A LOT has happened! Two visitors came to the castle and introduced themselves as Simon and Neil Cotton, who own Scoatney, a large house (its a mansion really) and the castle that Cassandra and her family live in! Luckily, they are kind and strike up a friendship with Cassandra's family. Rose, Cassandras older sister, immediately sets her eyes on Simon as a love interest to gain some money for the family. Currently in the story, Rose and Simon are newly engaged and Cassandra is really pleased.
Throughout the story I have noticed some little differences in British life that seem almost foreign to me. For one, they have more meals in a day than we do, but I already knew that. In the story,  Simon has a beard which looks incredibly strange to both Cassandra and Rose but to me (and probably a lot of you)  it is a totally normal thing. The writing is also very different. This might sound crazy, but it has a lot more of a English feel to it. For example, there are a lot more descriptions of the scenery and of all the moments, and the writing seems more sophisticated. I can't wait to continue reading this book and to post more about it!

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