Sunday, November 11, 2012

Halfway Through

 I am halfway through the book The Subtle Knife by Phillip Pullman and so far it's great. I was so excited to return to Lyra because she is a character that I really connect to. So far in I really like the way that the two worlds, the regular world that we live in and the new world that Lyra and Will both discovered. Will is a boy from our world that discovers the world that Lyra entered through the bridge her father built, but Will discovers it through a sort of window in the air that is mostly invisible. Lyra and Will feed off each other well and I can see them becoming close in the future of the book. I also really like the reactions of the characters off other characters from the different worlds. For example, when Lyra first met Will she assumed that his daemon was inside him after discovering he did not have a daemon. The children from the new world also reacted well towards Lyra and Will after discovering they were also from different worlds. I really liked that because the children from the new world are not big characters at all but Phillip Pullman still makes them have a reaction and fills them out as if they were big characters even though they aren't. So far I really like this book and can't wait to finish it and then read the next one!

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