Saturday, March 23, 2013

Giant Cliffhanger!


I just finished Speaking From Among the Bones by Alan Bradley, which is part of the Flavia de Luce series. This is the newest book in the series that is currently being written about a 12 year old girl who solves the murder mysteries in her town and just so happens to be a chemist. In the end of the book, the killer of the organist, Mr. Collicut, is revealed to be Ms. Tanty one of the choir singers at the same church.
Once again, the killer surprised me and I did not expect Ms. Tanty to be the killer. Even though I did not expect Ms. Tanty to be the killer, it made sense she was the murderer and every thing clicked. Throughout the book, there had been the threat of the de Luce's (Flavia's family) house, Buckshaw, being sold because of financial problems. In the book, the de Luce's are forced to put a "FOR SALE" sign so the threat was even more present than in the other books. At the end of the book, Flavia's father calls the three sisters into the room to talk to them seriously. I thought (as did Flavia) that her father was going to tell them that they would have to sell the house. Instead, he tells them that their mother has been found. Their mother was supposedly dead on an expedition (because she was never found) when Flavia was a little kid. Then the book ends. I freaked out! Not only is that the biggest cliffhanger, but I have to wait a very long time until the next book comes out. This is definitely a giant twist for the series and I can't wait for the next book to come out so I can continue reading! But for now, I guess I will have to wait!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Halfway There

I am about halfway though Speaking From Among the Bones by Alan Bradley that is in the Flavia de Luce. In the beginning Flavia found a dead body in the crypt of the patron saint of their church who was then identified has the organist Mr. Collicut. Currently, Flavia hasn't learned much about who the killer of Mr. Collicut could be, although she has learned a lot of other things- things about her family and other people in the village.
I am so eager to keep reading this book to find out who the killer is! All the new information that Flavia is finding is really interesting. Every time Flavia learns something new I feel like I am learning something new as well! Some of the things that are happening in the story are shocking me and I can't wait to find out more!

Monday, March 11, 2013


I have just started the new book in the Flavia de Luce series by Alan Bradley called Speaking From Among the Bones. The book is about twelve year old detective Flavia who lives with her two older sisters and father. The series is set in the past but I am unsure as the year. Flavia continually finds murders in her small English town. Flavia is an avid chemist and at the beginning has found another dead body in the church.
I am really excited to delve even deeper into this book. I haven't read a series in a while and I forgot what it feels like to start reading a new book in a series. The feeling is great- its like picking up right where you left off! It reminds me of visiting people that you don't see often but still know them really well.I'm really interested to see how the relationships between all the characters progress. There is also a threat throughout the book that has existed the entire series that Flavia and her family will lose the castle like estate they live in due to money problems. I can't imagine the family living anywhere else so I am interested to see if they will have to move or if they will find a way to stay. And if they do leave, where will they go?  Alan Bradley, the author, is currently writing the series so this book is new. I love this series and can't wait to read even more!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Book Thief- End


    I have just finished The Book Theif by Markus Zusak. In the end of the book, a lot of things happened. Max had to leave the basement because it was becoming too dangerous for him to be there. Later in the book, Liesel saw Max when a bunch of Jewish people were being marched through town and she chased him down which got her whipped by a solider. In the epilouge, Death also said that Max came to visit Liesel once the war was over and "...they hugged and cried and fell to the floor." The mayors wife came to visit Liesel and gave her a notebook because Liesel had sent her a note informing her that she could not steal her books anymore. Liesel then started going down to the basement every night to write and would often end up sleeping down there. At the end of the book, Molching (the town) was bombed while everyone was sleeping and unfortunately, since no one could get to shelter because they were asleep, everyone died. Except Liesel because she was in the basement. The last chapter when Liesel was walking through Himmel Street after the bombing was incredibly. She found the dead bodies of her mother and father and she found Rudy and kissed him finally (during the book Rudy would always ask Liesel for a kiss). In the epilouge, it also explained that Liesel moved into the mayors house.
    I really loved this book. The last chapters made me cry and the entire book made me smile. I highly recommend this book!!!!

The Book Thief- Middle


   I am in the middle of The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. The book is following Liesel and everyone else on Himmel Street (the street she lives on now) because that is really the center of her life. Liesel has been stealing books from the mayors house and has developed a strange relationship with the mayors wife, who knows she is stealing books and is letting her. Liesel's and her foster father, Hans, has a very good relationship and Liesel and her mother, Rosa, also have a good relationship even though Rosa doesn't show it. Liesel also has a best friend named Rudy who is her neighbor. Also, a Jewish man named Max Vandenburg has come to live in the basement of Liesel's house which adds an interesting twist to the story. So far Liesel and Max have a really sweet relationship which I can wait to read more about.
   So far I am really loving this book. I really like that the narrator is Death because it gives a very interesting and creative aspect to the book but Death is also removed so its not all very narrated. I love seeing the all the relationships that Liesel has and you can really see through her eyes into her world. Liesel has a fairly normal life and her life isn't all about the war like some books about this time period even though it was a very important time. I really like this aspect of the book because it involves the war but also gives you the view of what all the 11 year old German girls were doing. I can't wait to keep reading this book and so far highly recommend it!

The Book Thief- Beginning


    I just started a new book, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. The book is about a German eleven year old girl named Liesel Meminger in 1939. At the beginning of the book, Liesel and her brother are being taken by their mother to a foster home because her mother is very poor and wants a better life for her children. Unfortunately, on the way to the foster home, her brother passes away and Liesel and her mother have to stop and bury the little boy. (This is not a spoiler because it happens within the first 20 or so pages.) When she is there she steals a book that the gravediggers dropped called the Gravediggers Handbook and then they continue on to the foster home. Once at the foster home her mother leaves and the story continues.
    Right off the bat I found I really liked this book. For the first part, I am almost positive the narrator is Death but I am not completely sure because I am not that far into the book yet. So far I really like the book and can tell that the writing is really great. I can't wait to keep reading the book!

Sunday, March 3, 2013


By Clara Napolitano 805

Snowflakes fall from the sky a dazzling white 
Melting as they touch grass and city streets
Everything seems to be brighter than light 
Covering a city as it silently sleeps 

It seems that all around the world it snows
It seems that the snowflakes will never stop
Though you will see that things will grow 
In places where the sun shines bright atop 

And where it snows light will again awake
And where things grow the dark will take suns place
And snow will melt from the dirt humans make 
Beauty taken away to another place 

Seasons will change and things will grow
But things will die and that we always know